Below are my Personal Opinions...Read with Caution!
I wanted to take a moment and get something off my chest that has bothered me for years, now that I have the answers that has taken me years and thousands of dollars to uncover I am going to share it with you right here and right now...
I got started in the home based business arena Nov. 7th 1991 at 7:30pm after setting through a hotel meeting for none other than AmWay (wow times have changed) ok, I am back to now :-), that meeting changed my life and the lives of countless thousands since.
Who am I? My name is John Pate. I am husband, father of 2 beautiful children under the age of 3 (enough said haha), full time stay at home highly successful and motivated indivual with the passion to help others to achieve there dreams and goals! Now with that short bio out of the way...
What is my claim to fame and why should you listen to what I have to say? In short, by starting in this industry almost 19 years ago, I have since created 6 very successful traditional companys that employed several hundred people, I have had a direct connection in creating 129 millionaires (this is not a typo) and empowered 10's of thousands to enjoy life through more income working part time and full time from home!
All right enough back ground info...let me get on with it and complete what I started out with in the opening sentence.
There are a ton of programs out there that pop up all the time, I also see people gravitating towards cyclers (2x2, 2x3, 3x5, 3x10 etc.) the flaw I see with this as they are designed for the admins and people at the top to make all the monies and leave good decent people hanging with nothing but empty promises and credit card debt as there is no way for them to win unless there fortunate to be in super early (I mean even before the company goes live)...
There is a reason why so many flock to these types of programs because honestly, if done correctly and your timing is right you will make a boatload of money so fast it will blow your mind (in a good way) so knowing this information, I began looking for the perfect cycler that is designed to truly assist people no matter when they come in and what experience level that they maintained upon entry. -100dp for short, is the company I found through my exhaustive research through hundreds of companys...
$83k in one day, how would that change your life? |
Here is why I have chosen this company to continue my legacy of creating wealth and abundance for me and for others easily and effortlessly...
That's me holding money ==>...and yes it is real...LOL
100dp has perfected the whole experience of the fast and easy cash churning 2x2 model. There the only company out there that got it and implemented what works.
What they did was take away the requirement for having 2 people to cash out, most people struggle to get even 1 so this was a big plus on my criteria checklist.
Next, the low cost entry and high return is very valuable and highly appealing, alot of folks starting out do not have thousands of dollars to play with, most of the time people have a dream and a couple of nickels (me too when I first started, your not alone here) to start with so this was a plus as it is attractive to all facets of people not just a small percentage of the population.
As if this were not enough, 100dp took it to the next level to make this very exciting for all members (including you) for they coded the payplan 3 levels deep on their cycling bonuses, if you missed it, this is a 2x2 so why is that such a big deal, in a 2x2 there is only "2" Levels, so to code you to 3 levels is unheard of which tells me this companys mindset is truly out for there members and not there bottom line. You can read more about how they have done that in detail by visiting there site.
Oh just about forgot another huge advantage, not only does 100dp offer all that I have written about above but they also took it one more step and put a true passive residual model that pays 3 levels deep as well.
We have all heard of those super affiliates, what if you got someone like me on your 3rd level (hell, 1st or second level at that rate) you would be getting unbelievable amounts of overrides on the front end and also the monthly residual program. Think about it, there are thousands if not 10's of thousands of me type people out there, so the faster you get excited and get started, you rapidly collapse the odds of finding one for yourself or better yet, your already better than me if so, congrats, looking forward to speaking and working with you sooner than later!
World Class Management, World Class PayPlan, oh and World Class Products my approval rating and support for 100dp is beyond reproach.
My name is John Pate. From my mountain top home (literally no joke :-) do yourself a favor and check into this program and see what I have said to be true and correct. Talk soon..
P.S. Be sure to watch the video below and to comment and follow my blogger page, I promise to follow you back as I am real person!
This short video explains it in about a min. Enjoy
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